Sales of School Uniforms Worth Rp. 2.3 Million Leads to the Principal's Removal

Sales of School Uniforms Worth Rp. 2.3 Million Leads to the Principal's Removal

The Acting Principal (Plt) of the Principal of State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 Kedungwaru, Tulungagung, East Java, Norhadin was removed from his position by the East Java Provincial Education Office. 

The removal was in the aftermath of selling school uniforms for IDR 2,360,000 which were considered too expensive by the parents of the students. 

Starting from the parents' complaints
One of the guardians of a student from Tulungagung with the initials NN (41) complained about the price of the child's school uniform. 

According to NN, the school sells uniforms at twice the market price. 

NN mentioned the details of payment for school uniforms that must be paid by the students' parents. The total uniform package costs IDR 2,360,000. 

"The price is still in the form of sheet cloth, re-stitching costs money," he said. 

NN gave an example, one set of gray and white uniforms is sold at IDR 359,400. In fact, according to him, a set of uniforms sells for Rp 150,000 in the market. 

#---Details of the purchase price of uniforms at one of Tulungagung High Schools, East Java---#
#---Details of the purchase price of uniforms at one of Tulungagung High Schools, East Java---#(SLAMET WIDODO)
Then, a headscarf is printed for Rp. 160,000 and attributes for Rp. 140,000. 

"The price at school is twice as high, cheaper on the market," said NN. 

The uniforms, according to him, were sold through the school cooperative. NN admits that she can't do much. 

"Even though it's heavy, the name is also for children to be able to go to school according to their will, what can I do," he said. 

School explanation
Public Relations of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Agung Cahyadi claims that it is not mandatory for new students to buy cloth at school even though the school provides it. 

Schools, he continued, freed students who wanted to buy uniforms outside of school. 

"Our party does not oblige to buy uniforms at school," he said. 

Guardians of students, he added, also get leeway with installment payments. 

"In fact, it can also be paid in installments," he said. 

Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak at the Aryo Blitar Arts Building, Blitar City, revealed that his party had taken disciplinary steps against those involved in selling school uniforms. 

"My type and Mrs. Khofifah, we don't advertise the disciplinary steps we are taking. But if you (you) check, there have been actions, the aim is to have a deterrent effect," said Emil, Monday (24/7/2023). 

The former Trenggalek Regent denied that he had only taken action after the information about the uniform went viral. 

"They say we are said to be working when it goes viral. Who said? Before the news went up, we had the actual process," he said. 

In fact, according to Emil, the Governor of East Java Khofifah has gathered all school principals and school committees at the SMA/SMK level as well as heads of education branches throughout East Java. 

They were asked to sign an integrity pact which contained a commitment to carry out their duties according to Permendikbud Number 75 of 2016. 

Namely the pressure to prohibit the collection of levies that are not permitted by laws and regulations. 

"Yesterday there was an integrity pact that was signed by not only the school principal, but also the school committee. Why? Because it's on this committee that sometimes there are donations, fees," he said. 

The principal of the school was removed
Meanwhile, Head of the East Java Provincial Education Office Aries Agung Paewai emphasized that the East Java Provincial Education Office had removed the Acting Principal (Plt) of the Kedungwaru 1 State High School (SMAN) 1 Tulungagung Norhadin. 

"The acting head of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung has been temporarily removed," he said, Tuesday (25/7/2023). 

The removal was carried out after the team was deployed to investigate the price of school uniforms which was set at Rp 2.3 million. 

As a result, errors were found in the standard operating procedure (SOP) that the school did not comply with. 

"There was an SOP error made by SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung," he said. 

Create circulars
Following this incident, the Education Office of East Java Province issued a circular. 

"We have also issued a circular letter reaffirming schools regarding the procurement of uniforms which are not the domain of schools. Schools should not burden student parents. School cooperatives are not the main source of procuring school uniforms," ​​said Aries. 

Education units are asked not to make it mandatory to buy school uniforms. 

"Each education unit is prohibited from requiring parents or guardians of students to buy uniforms from school cooperatives. So, there should be no compulsion to buy uniforms through cooperatives," he explained. 

Penjualan Seragam Sekolah Seharga Rp 2,3 Juta Berujung Pencopotan Kepsek

Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kepala Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) 1 Kedungwaru, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, Norhadin dicopot dari jabatan oleh Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur.

Pencopotan tersebut sebagai buntut penjualan seragam sekolah seharga Rp 2.360.000 yang dinilai terlalu mahal oleh para wali murid.

Bermula keluhan wali murid
Salah satu wali murid asal Tulungagung berinisial NN (41) mengeluhkan harga seragam sekolah sang anak.

Menurut NN, pihak sekolah menjual seragam dengan harga dua kali lipat lebih mahal dibanding harga pasaran.

NN menyebutkan perincian pembayaran seragam sekolah yang harus dibayarkan oleh orangtua siswa. Total paket seragam seharga Rp 2.360.000.

"Harga tersebut masih dalam bentuk kain lembaran, untuk menjahit kembali mengeluarkan biaya," kata dia.

NN mencontohkan, satu setel kain seragam putih abu-abu dijual dengan harga Rp 359.400. Padahal, menurut dia, di pasaran satu setel seragam dijual Rp 150.000.

#---Rincian harga pembelian kain seragam di salah satu SMAN Tulungagung Jawa Timur---#
#---Rincian harga pembelian kain seragam di salah satu SMAN Tulungagung Jawa Timur---#(SLAMET WIDODO)
Kemudian, tertera jilbab seharga Rp 160.000 dan atribut Rp 140.000.

"Harganya di sekolah jauh lebih tinggi dua kali lipat, lebih murah di pasaran," ungkap NN.

Kain seragam itu, menurut dia, dijual melalui koperasi sekolah. NN mengaku tidak bisa berbuat banyak.

"Meski berat, namanya juga buat anak agar bisa tetap sekolah sesuai kemauannya, mau bagaimana lagi," katanya.

Penjelasan sekolah
Humas SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Agung Cahyadi mengeklaim tidak mewajibkan siswa baru membeli kain di sekolah meski sekolah menyediakan.

Sekolah, lanjut dia, membebaskan siswa yang ingin membeli seragam di luar sekolah.

"Pihak kami tidak mewajibkan membeli kain seragam di sekolah," katanya.

Wali murid, imbuhnya, juga mendapatkan kelonggaran dengan mencicil pembayaran.

"Bahkan, bisa juga dicicil pembayarannya,"  ujarnya.

Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Emil Elestianto Dardak di Gedung Kesenian Aryo Blitar, Kota Blitar, mengungkapkan, pihaknya telah mengambil langkah pendisiplinan terhadap pihak yang terlibat penjualan seragam sekolah.

"Tipe saya dan Bu Khofifah, kita tidak menggembar-gemborkan langkah disiplin yang kita ambil. Tapi kalau njenengan (Anda) cek, sudah ada tindakan, tujuannya efek jera," kata Emil, Senin (24/7/2023).

Mantan Bupati Trenggalek itu membantah baru melakukan tindakan setelah informasi perihal seragam viral.

"Katanya kita dibilang kerja kalau sudah viral. Kata siapa? Sebelum beritanya naik, kita sudah proses sebenarnya," ujarnya.

Bahkan, menurut Emil, Gubernur Jatim Khofifah telah mengumpulkan semua kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah tingkat SMA/SMK serta kepala cabang pendidikan se-Jawa Timur.

Mereka diminta menandatangani pakta integritas yang isinya komitmen melaksanakan tugas sesuai Permendikbud Nomor 75 Tahun 2016.

Yakni tekanan larangan penarikan pungutan yang tidak diperbolehkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan.

"Kemarin sudah ada pakta integritas yang tanda tangan bukan hanya kepala sekolah, tapi juga komite sekolah. Kenapa? karena di komite ini nih yang kadang-kadang ada sumbangan, pungutan," ujar dia.

Kepala sekolah dicopot
Sementara itu, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur Aries Agung Paewai menegaskan, Dinas Pendidikan Provinisi Jawa Timur telah mencopot Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kepala Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMAN) 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung Norhadin.

"Plt Kepala SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung dicopot sementara," katanya, Selasa (25/7/2023).

Pencopotan tersebut dilakukan setelah tim diterjunkan menyelidiki harga seragam sekolah yang dipatok Rp 2,3 juta.

Hasilnya, ditemukan kesalahan prosedur operasi standar atau standard operating procedure (SOP) yang tidak dipatuhi sekolah.

"Ada kesalahan SOP yang dilakukan SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung," katanya.

Buat edaran
Menyusul kejadian tersebut, Dinas Pendidikan Provinisi Jawa Timur membuat edaran.

"Kami juga membuat surat edaran mempertegas kembali kepada sekolah-sekolah terkait pengadaan pakaian seragam yang tidak menjadi ranah sekolah. Sekolah tidak boleh memberatkan wali murid. Koperasi sekolah bukan sumber utama pengadaan pakaian seragam sekolah," tegas Aries.

Satuan pendidikan diminta tidak mewajibkan pembelian seragam sekolah.

"Setiap satuan pendidikan dilarang mewajibkan orangtua atau wali murid untuk membeli seragam dari koperasi sekolah. Jadi, tidak boleh ada paksaan pembelian seragam melalui koperasi," jelas dia.

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