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Jerk! The Ministry of Finance Collects Hundreds of Billion Debts from Jusuf Hamka's Company

Jerk! The Ministry of Finance Collects Hundreds of Billion Debts from Jusuf Hamka's Company

The Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) is recovering hundreds of billions in debt from Jusuf Hamka's PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP) business group. This happened after the state was billed for Rp 800 billion by the toll road boss. 

Director General of State Wealth of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban said the bill to the CMNP group owned by Jusuf Hamka was related to Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI). 

"We ourselves still have invoices for 3 companies under the Citra group. Don't remember the figures, hundreds of billions, for the Citra group, yes. Related to BLBI as well," Rionald told reporters at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Monday (12/6/2023). 

Rio detailed that the lawsuit from Jusuf Hamka had been filed since 2004, until finally advancing to a review (PK) in 2010. Even so, he said that his party still had to confirm the details of the claim. 

"As you know, there are many similar demands made to the government. The point is, let's make sure first whether those who own the state have finished it or not. If it doesn't, it will be a hassle," said Rio. 

According to him, Jusuf Hamka's CMNP is affiliated or under the control of the shareholder who owns Bank Yama, namely Siti Hardijanti Hastuti Soeharto alias Tutut Suharto. Although, there has been a court decision regarding the state debt to Jusuf Hamka. 

"We are very careful about this because we don't want the perception to be wrong," he added. 

Jreng! Kemenkeu Tagih Balik Utang Ratusan Miliar ke Perusahaan Jusuf Hamka

Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) menagih balik utang ratusan miliar ke grup usaha PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP) milik Jusuf Hamka. Hal itu terjadi setelah negara ditagih Rp 800 miliar oleh bos jalan tol tersebut.

Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Kemenkeu Rionald Silaban mengatakan tagihan kepada grup CMNP milik Jusuf Hamka itu terkait Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI).

"Kami sendiri masih memiliki tagihan kepada 3 perusahaan di bawah grup Citra. Nggak ingat angkanya, ratusan miliar, grup Citra ya. Terkait BLBI juga," kata Rionald kepada wartawan di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Senin (12/6/2023).

Rio merinci gugatan dari Jusuf Hamka sudah diajukan sejak 2004, sampai akhirnya maju ke peninjauan kembali (PK) pada 2010. Meski begitu, ia menyebut pihaknya masih harus memastikan secara detail tuntutan tersebut.

"Sebagaimana diketahui ada banyak tuntutan sejenis kepada pemerintah. Intinya kita pastikan dulu, yang punya negara itu sudah tuntas apa belum. Kalau enggak kan repot," tutur Rio.

Menurutnya, CMNP milik Jusuf Hamka terafiliasi atau dalam pengendalian pemegang saham pemilik Bank Yama, yakni Siti Hardijanti Hastuti Soeharto alias Tutut Soeharto. Meskipun, sudah ada putusan pengadilan terkait utang negara ke Jusuf Hamka.

"Kita sangat berhati-hati mengenai hal ini karena kita nggak mau persepsinya nanti keliru," imbuhnya.
