A New Chapter in the Journey of the Case of Mario Dandy, Now Reported Regarding Obscenity against AG
A New Chapter in the Journey of the Case of Mario Dandy, Now Reported Regarding Obscenity against AG
The course of the legal case that ensnared Mario Dandy Satrio (20) entered a new chapter.
In addition to being reported for the abuse case against D (17), now the son of former Director General of Taxation Rafel Alun Trisambodo is reported for alleged sexual abuse of his ex-girlfriend, AG (15).
The report was registered with Polda Metro Jaya under the number LP/B/2445/V/2023/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya dated Monday, 8 May 2023.
Mario Dandy was reported under Article 76 D in conjunction with Article 81, and/or Article 76 E in conjunction with Article 82 of the Law on Child Protection.
AG's lawyer, Mangatta Toding Allo, said that four pieces of evidence were attached to strengthen the alleged sexual abuse.
One of them is the decision of AG's trial which contains the fact that Mario Dandy committed sexual abuse against AG.
Previously it was reported that Mario Dandy, AG, and Shane Lukas (19) were involved in a planned assault on D which left the victim in a coma.
AG's son has gone through the trial process until he is found guilty and must serve a 3.5 year prison sentence.
Meanwhile, the suspects Mario Dandy and Shane Lukas are currently being detained at Polda Metro Jaya and are still awaiting trial.
According to AG's attorney, Mario Dandy could be jailed for having sex with minors.
Mario's actions in the eyes of the law are known as statutory rape.
Statutory rape has never questioned the basis of the relationship, whether forced or not.
Adults who are proven to have a "relationship" with someone in the age range of 14-18 years can be reported to the police and jailed.
"Apart from the relationship being carried out without consent or with the consent of both parties, we want to emphasize that anyone who has 'relationships' with children can be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 15 years," Mangatta told reporters in Tebet, South Jakarta, Thursday. (4/5/2023).
Babak Baru Perjalanan Kasus Mario Dandy, Kini Dilaporkan Terkait Pencabulan terhadap AG
Perjalanan kasus hukum yang menjerat Mario Dandy Satrio (20) memasuki babak baru.
Selain dilaporkan atas kasus penganiayaan terhadap D (17), kini anak mantan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Rafel Alun Trisambodo itu dilaporkan atas dugaan pencabulan terhadap mantan kekasihnya, AG (15).
Laporan tersebut teregistrasi di Polda Metro Jaya dengan nomor LP/B/2445/V/2023/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya tertanggal Senin, 8 Mei 2023.
Mario Dandy dilaporkan dengan Pasal 76 D juncto Pasal 81, dan atau Pasal 76 E juncto Pasal 82 Undang-Undang tentang Perlindungan Anak.
Kuasa hukum AG, Mangatta Toding Allo, mengatakan ada empat bukti yang dilampirkan untuk memperkuat dugaan pencabulan itu.
Salah satunya adalah putusan persidangan AG yang memuat fakta adanya pencabulan yang dilakukan Mario Dandy terhadap AG.
Sebelumnya dilaporkan, Mario Dandy, AG, dan Shane Lukas (19) terlibat dalam penganiayaan terencana terhadap D hingga menyebabkan korban koma.
Anak AG sudah menjalani proses persidangan hingga divonis bersalah dan harus menjalani hukuman penjara 3,5 tahun.
Sementara itu, tersangka Mario Dandy dan Shane Lukas saat ini ditahan di Polda Metro Jaya dan masih menunggu proses persidangan.
Menurut kuasa hukum AG, Mario Dandy bisa dipenjara karena berhubungan seksual dengan anak di bawah umur.
Perbuatan Mario di mata hukum dikenal dengan sebutan statutory rape.
Statutory rape tidak pernah mempermasalahkan dasar hubungan, apakah terpaksa atau tidak.
Orang dewasa yang terbukti memiliki "hubungan" dengan seseorang di rentang usia 14-18 tahun bisa dilaporkan ke polisi dan masuk bui.
"Terlepas dari hubungan tersebut dilakukan tanpa persetujuan maupun atas persetujuan kedua belah pihak, kami ingin menegaskan siapa pun yang melakukan 'hubungan' dengan anak bisa diancam dengan pidana penjara maksimal selama 15 tahun," ujar Mangatta kepada wartawan di Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (4/5/2023).