By: Ahmad Syahrin Thoriq
1. Is it permissible to sell food during the day of Ramadan? 
It is permissible if it is consumed by those who are not obliged to fast such as children, pregnant and lactating women, travelers, sick and Muslim women who are unable to. 
It is also permissible to sell to people who are fasting which food is used to break the fast of the fasting person. 
But it is not permissible if it is intended for people who are not fasting without an excuse. 

2. How do you distinguish between buyers who have an excuse, do you need to ask one by one? 
There is no need, it is enough with a strong suspicion and the usual qarinah (general instructions) that are visible. 
As a simple example: Packaged food is taken home, usually bought a few hours before breaking the fast. If there are gentlemen buying pecel at 7 in the morning, it will definitely be used for breakfast, it's impossible to break the fast. And the simple solution is if you don't want to bother, write a letter prohibiting anyone from buying food and then eating it on the spot except for travelers and people who are aged. It must also be closed so as not to become a source of slander. 

3. Is it permissible to sell food to unbelievers who are not fasting? 
Scholars differ. According to Hanafiyah, it is not permissible according to the majority of scholars from the Malikiyah, Syafi'iyah and Hanabilah schools of thought. 
Because the difference is the view of the ulama on the status of infidels, whether they are actually obliged to carry out the Shari'a or not. 
According to Hanafiyah it is not obligatory, because they are told to have faith. 
While the majority of scholars are of the opinion that infidels are actually still obligated to pray, fast, zakat and other sharia obligations. Only they are not legal to do so if they do not want to believe. 
So that in the eyes of the jumhur, when those disbelievers don't want to pray, don't fast and carry out various religious orders, it will be an addition to their torment in the afterlife. 

4. How about selling the food to school children? 
Depends on what school the kids go to. If it's still at the kindergarten or play group level, of course it doesn't matter. But if the school children are in junior high school or even high school, of course it's not allowed, unless it's female students who are suspected of being in trouble. 
Even then, you should not be allowed to eat anywhere, but in a location that is closed from the view of the crowd. 
Wallahu a'lam. 

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