This genie is the type of female genie that likes to mess up our households, lock up the wife's lust, kill the baby inside the womb, satisfy the male lust and at the same time benefiting the male airmani, and others.
Pregnant women, Ummu Sibyan will enter the wife's womb and then kick her baby until she miscarriage, stuffing & locking / binding the wife's uterus with the purpose of not being able to conceive / infertile and not having lust for her husband. There are 2 reasons why Ummi Sibyan enters the house;
1. Entering as it is nearing dusk, especially the reddish/orange sunlight.
2. Picking up the washing clothes after magrib because they are going to cast a spell on witchcraft then the magic rides on the clothes so that the magic can enter the house.
So, close all front back doors and all windows/
When not prevented and left alone, it can bring diseases to chronic levels such as anger, hatred, mental/heart stress, lazy to pray, naughty & stubborn children and others.
As an addition to the house fence, insert/read Surah Zalzalah in other readings in the process of fencing the house... Because it is like a fiery door / window that with His permission burns all Jinns & devils.
the way:
Wholesale salt for the fence of the house is mixed with water and then sprayed/spray on all surfaces of the main & back door and all windows/
From Jabir's friend radhiallahu'anh
_*“If the night comes, or you are approaching maghrib then restrain your children (at home), because at that time the devil is scattered. If a moment has passed from the night, then let them (if they want to go out). Close the door and pray to Allah, because indeed Satan cannot open a closed door. Cover your drinks and food containers even by putting something on it and turning off your lights. ”*_ (Sahih HR Bukhari & Muslim)
O Allah, blessings and peace be upon our Master Muhammad and upon our Master Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him
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Jin ini adalah jenis jin wanita yg suka memporak-perand
Wanita mengandung pula, ummu sibyan akan masuk ke dlm kandungan isteri kemudian menendang bayinya sehingga keguguran, menyumbat & mengunci/
1. Masuk ketika waktu dekat nak magrib, terutamanya cahaya matahari berwarna kemerahan / jingga.
2. Mengangkat jemuran pakaian selepas magrib kerana mereka akan menjampi sihir kemudian sihir itu menumpang di pakaian tersebut agar sihir itu dpt masuk ke rumah.
Jadi, tutuplah segala pintu rumah depan belakang dan segala tingkap/
Dan angkatlah jemuran Kain sebelum waktu itu juga. Tambahan lain, bersihkanlah debu-debu seperti habuk/sarang labah2 di siling, di dinding dan lain2 kerana mereka membuat rumah mereka di sana dan beranak-pinak di sana.
Apabila tidak dicegah dan dibiarkan boleh membawa penyakit sehingga tahap kronik seperti suka marah, benci-membenci,
Sebagai tambahan pagar rumah, selitkan/
garam grosor untuk pagar rumah itu campur dgn air kemudian spray/
Daripada sahabat Jabir radhiallahu’anh
_*“Jika malam datang menjelang, atau kalian berada menjelang maghrib maka tahanlah anak-anak kalian (di rumah), kerana ketika itu syaitan sedang bertebaran. Jika telah berlalu sesaat dari waktu malam, maka biarkan mereka (jika ingin keluar). Tutuplah pintu dan berzikirlah kepada Allah, kerana sesungguhnya syaitan tidak dapat membuka pintu yang tertutup. Tutup pula bekas minuman dan makanan kalian walau sekadar dengan meletakkan sesuatu di atasnya dan matikanlah lampu-lampu kalian.”*_ (Sahih HR Bukhari & Muslim)
اَللّٰهُمَّ صَلِّ وَسَلِّمْ ْعَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى الِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ ﷺ
𝐒𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐠𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐚'𝐚𝐭