That the "value of glory" of a person in the sight of Allah is not determined by the rank of physical position and wealth BUT by the level of piety and usefulness of the results of his work as the words of the Prophet :

اللَّهَ لاَ إِلَى الِكُمْ لَكِنْ لَى لُوبِكُمْ الِكُمْ ». 

“Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth. But what Allah sees is your heart and your work.” [HR Muslim]

Allah (SWT) has also emphasized: Verily the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is most pious among you." [Surat al-Hujurat: 13]

Imam Ath-Tabari rahimahullah said: "It is not the most honorable seen from a magnificent house or from a noble lineage." [Tafsir Ath-Tabari]
Imam Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "Indeed you can be noble with piety and not be seen from your descendants" [Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Azim]

Then in the matter of honor mentioned in another hadith when asked the best human being, the Prophet said:
الَ لُهُ
People who have a long life and good work [HR Turmudzi]
Al-Absyihi narrates that one time Al-Hasan bin al-Fadhl entered the palace of the caliph, who at that time was gathering the scholars (experts of science). In the event, Al-Hasan bin al-Fadhl intended to express his opinion but was prevented by the caliph because he was considered a child and did not deserve to speak in this noble forum. 

Do not accept the consideration that age determines the maturity of thinking then, Al-Hasan bin al-Fadhl said:

ا المؤمنين كنت صبياً، لست ليمان لا ليمان ليه السلام ال: ا لَمْ

O Amirul Mu'minin, if I am considered small then I am not smaller than Prophet Solomon's hudhud bird and you are not older than Prophet Sulaiman AS when Hudhud said to him: "I already know something that you do not know" [QS An-Naml : 22]
Then he continued his argument:

لم الله الحكم ليمان لو ان الأمر الكبر لكان اود لى. 

Do you not know that Allah has given the meaning of law to Prophet Solomon? If all matters are determined by age, then Prophet Dawud (Prophet Solomon's father) is more appropriate (to understand the law). 

Another wise example, Once upon a time the messengers came before the caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Among them was a messenger from the Hijaz who in turn, a young man wanted to give a report. 

The caliph stopped him and said "let someone who is more senior (older) than you speak, because he has more right than you". So the young man said:

ا المؤمنين لو ان القول ا ل لكان لسك ا

"O Amir al-mu'minin, if your statement is true (the older one is entitled) then there are people who are more entitled to your position than your majesty"
The caliph confirmed the young man's words and then invited him to speak even the caliph asked for advice from him. And the young man said:

ا المؤمنين اساً لم الله اء الناس ليهم، لا يغره لم الله اء الناس لل ل الذين ال الله : " . 

"O Amirul Mu'minin, Many people are deceived by the goodness of Allah and the praise of humans to him, so I hope that you are not deceived by that so that you slip and belong to the group of people who Allah SWT said: "And do not be like the people who(hypocrites) who say "We listen, but they do not listen." [Surah Al-Anfal: 21]

Caliph Umar was so impressed by the words of the young man who was only twelve years old. Caliph Umar then wrote:

لم ليس المرء لد الماً :: ليس لم هو اهل
القوم لا لم :: ا التفت ليه المحافل

Learn, because no human is born in a state of knowledge. It is not the same as a knowledgeable person with an ignorant person because a leader of a group if he is not knowledgeable will be small in an association forum. [Al-Mustathraf Fi Kulli Fann Mustathraf]
In today's 4.G era, it is easier for someone to pursue Science with IT Assistance. No need to cost tens of millions to learn all science and technology including Religious Sciences (Tahsin, Qiro'ah, Tafsir, Mustholah, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh, etc.), ENOUGH with 1, 2 Flash Disks measuring 100 Giga is enough to store thousands of books with all the tutorial facilities.

But does all that make it easier for people to become more noble and commendable? 
Isn't that glory emanating from the accumulation of noble attitudes and deeds? 
And what is called a noble act is that which is included in the criteria of al-Muslim Suruuron
Hopefully today we are happy to do things that bring happiness to people in need... Amen 

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